Beachcomber Scavenger Hunt & Challenges
Looking for free fun activities with the kids? The beach is one of the best places to visit!
Enjoy our free beachcomber scavenger hunt and beach challenge activities.
Pembrokeshire Holiday Company
Beachcomber Scavenger Hunt
Items To Find
1. Seashell: Find a unique and interesting seashell.
2. Sea Glass: Look for a piece of sea glass in any colour.
3. Driftwood: Locate a piece of smooth, weathered driftwood.
4. Seaweed or Sea Grass: Collect a sample of seaweed or sea grass.
5. Beach Stone: Find a smooth and interesting beach stone.
6. Sea Creature: Check the shoreline and rockpools for a fish or Starfish.
7. Feather: Collect a feather from a beach bird.
8. Coral Fragment: Find a small piece of coral washed ashore.
9. Piece of Fishing Net or Rope: Look for a small piece of fishing net or rope.
10. Crab Shell: Find an empty crab shell.
1. Sandcastle Building: Build a creative sandcastle with a moat.
2. Beach Art: Create a piece of art using natural materials found on the beach.
3. Skimming Stones: Find a flat stone and see how many skips you can achieve.
4. Seagull Watching: Observe and identify three different types of seagulls.
5. Beach Yoga Pose: Strike a yoga pose on the beach and take a photo.
6. Message in a Bottle: Write a message, put it in a bottle, and release it into the sea.
7. Beach Poetry: Write a short poem inspired by the beach.
8. Identify a Seashore Plant: Find and identify a plant that grows near the shore.
9. Beach Sounds: Record the sound of the waves or birds for 30 seconds.
10. Beach Clean-Up: Spend 10 minutes picking up any litter on the beach.
Bonus Round
Sunset/Sunrise Photo: Capture a beautiful photo of the sunrise or sunset.
Respect the environment and wildlife.
No picking live animals or plants.
Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
Tag us in your photos @pembsholidayco #pembrokeshireholidays
Have fun!
Download or Print
Worried you might not have signal on the beach? Download the pdf or take a paper copy with you by printing it off before you go: